[OpenAFS] Re: Status of the AFS::Command CPAN module

Alf Wachsmann alfw@slac.stanford.edu
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 11:12:04 -0700 (PDT)

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On Fri, 15 Oct 2010, Phillip Moore wrote:
> V2 is mostly a tactical release, but what I plan to do long term is get=
 completely familiar with the other
> AFS::* modules on CPAN, and find a way to bring them all together in th=
e future. =A0Not necessarily as a
> single distribution (although world domination and total ownership of t=
he AFS namespace on CPAN appeals to
> my ego), but making them all interoperate and work together better.
> Now that I'm working on AFS again, I'll try my best to provide some lea=
dership in this area. =A0 I haven't
> even gotten around to building the other AFS perl code yet, so I don't =
know what state it's in.

Hi Phil,

I have not touched my AFS::Monitor code in a long time.
It is on my To-Do list but gets bumped down in priority all the time :-{

If you want to take it over - go for it!


   Alf Wachsmann                       | e-mail: alfw@slac.stanford.edu
   SLAC - Scientific Computing         | Phone:  +1-650-926-4802
   2575 Sand Hill Road, M/S 97         | FAX:    +1-650-926-3329
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                 http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~alfw (PGP)