[OpenAFS] data manged

Rick Cochran rcc2@cornell.edu
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 15:34:52 -0400

On 09/20/2010 01:45 PM, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
> On 20 Sep 2010, at 18:20, Rick Cochran wrote:
>> I copy a file from a Ubuntu 10 machine with openafs-client 1.4.12+dfsg-3
>> and read it from a Scientific Linux 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5 machine with
>> openafs-client-1.4.12-el5.1.1.  The checksum is wrong on the reading end,
>> and it changes to a different wrong checksum every time I re-do the copy.
> A few questions ...
> If you copy the file to a different file name (leaving the original file in
> place), does the same problem still exist for that file?

samuel> cp -p IMG_0347.JPG
samuel> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/x.jpg
26046   435

arctura> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/x.jpg
62974   435

> If you flush the cache on the Ubuntu machine (fs setcachesize 1; fs
> setcachesize 0) what checksum does the file have on that machine when you
> read it back from there?

samuel> sudo /bin/csh -c 'fs setcachesize 1 ; fs setcachesize 0'
New cache size set.
New cache size set.
samuel> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/x.jpg
26046   435

arctura> sudo /bin/csh -c 'fs setcachesize 1 ; fs setcachesize 0'
[sudo] password for rcc2:
New cache size set.
New cache size set.
arctura> sum /afs/afsdemo.cit.cornell.edu/users/rcc2/Cornell/pix/stairs/x.jpg
62974   435

> Are you running with disk or memory cache, and what cachesize and other afsd
> parameters do you have set?

samuel> cat /etc/openafs/cacheinfo

arctura> cat /usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo

samuel> cat /etc/openafs/afs.conf.client

arctura> cat /etc/sysconfig/openafs
# OpenAFS Client Configuration
AFSD_ARGS="-dynroot -fakestat"

# OpenAFS Server Configuration

> Cheers,
> Simon.