[OpenAFS] Unable to delete volume

Gary Gatling gsgatlin@ncsu.edu
Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:09:52 -0400 (EDT)

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What happens if you use the old hostname or the old ip address? Whatever 
the vldb gives indications that it "thinks" it is on? (Same thing with the 
partition) If it "thinks" it s a hostname, use that one. If it "thinks" 
its an IP address, use that one.

I think vos remsite only works with the vldb. Maybe you might have to 
bring that old afs server back up? (I'm kind of thinking no on that 

Just a shot in the dark. Sorry if it doesn't work. Good luck with that. I 
would think one of vos remsite or vos remove or vos delentry should work 
though. (with whatver the vldb thinks its on)

Gary Gatling      | ITECS Systems

On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Aaron Knister wrote:

> Gary,
> Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately that didn't work:
> $ vos remsite -server -partition /vicepa -id 536988828
>  Could not lock the VLDB entry for volume 536988828
> VLDB: no such entry
> Error in vos remsite command.
> VLDB: no such entry
> Something I did just now was change the address of the non-existent server
> on the subnet we no-loner use to a temporary afs file server on a subnet we
> are using:
> vos changeaddr -oldaddr -newaddr
> I did read the caveats in the man page before running the above command.
> This at least points references to the non-existent fileserver to an
> existing server. I was hoping I could do a syncvldb and it would clean up
> the reference to the invalid volume but to no avail.
> -Aaron
> On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Gary Gatling <gsgatlin@ncsu.edu> wrote:
>       On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Aaron Knister wrote:
>       There's a server that was decommissioned many moons ago
>       that I'm trying to
>       delete. The problem is there's a volume still associated
>       with it [1], a RO
>       volume at that. When I attempt to remove the volume usin
>       its volume id I get
>       this message:
> Try vos remsite:
> http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/systems/AFS/1/vos_remsite.html
> I think you will want to give it a volumeID intead of a volume name.
> Hope that helps,
> Gary Gatling      | ITECS Systems
> --BEGIN--
> Could not delete entry for volume 536988828
> You must specify a RW volume name or ID (the entire VLDB entry
> will be
> deleted)
> VLDB: no such entry
> Deleted 0 VLDB entries
> --END--
> Here's the output of vos listvldb -server for the server in
> question:
> --BEGIN--
> VLDB entries for server
> g.ilin22.local
>     ROnly: 536988828
>     number of sites -> 1
>        server partition /vicepa RO Site
> Total entries: 1
> --END--
> To make matters more interesting, there's another volume of the
> same name
> but with a different volume ID.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> -Aaron
> --
> Aaron Knister
> Systems Administrator
> Division of Information Technology
> University of Maryland, Baltimore County
> aaronk@umbc.edu
> --
> Aaron Knister
> Systems Administrator
> Division of Information Technology
> University of Maryland, Baltimore County
> aaronk@umbc.edu