[OpenAFS] Integrated Windows Logon

Hugo Monteiro hugo.monteiro@fct.unl.pt
Fri, 06 May 2011 19:00:25 +0100

On 05/06/2011 06:51 PM, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> On 5/6/2011 1:46 PM, Hugo Monteiro wrote:
>> I have just tried with 1.6.0pre5 and it's still not working. :(
>> Tokens for the first (default) cell arrive but it's failing again for
>> the second cell defined at TheseCells.
>> Error now is
>> KFW_AFS_get_cred  uname=[user@FCT.UNL.PT] smbname=[staff\user]
>> cell=[staff.fct.unl.pt] code=[-1765328377]
>> Is it me that am overlooking anything?
> The error is KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN.  In other words, the KDC
> has reported that the service principal for afs/staff.fct.unl.pt@<REALM>
> is not a recognized principal.
> Jeffrey Altman

Hi Jeffrey,

The problem is that afs/staff.fct.unl.pt@FCT.UNL.PT is in fact a 
recognized principal.

similarly, in a linux machine, in which i'm using the TheseCells parameter:

user@DIVINF-PC15:~$ kinit user
user@FCT.UNL.PT's Password:
user@DIVINF-PC15:~$ afslog
user@DIVINF-PC15:~$ klist
Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
         Principal: user@FCT.UNL.PT

   Issued           Expires          Principal
May  6 18:56:26  May  7 04:56:25  krbtgt/FCT.UNL.PT@FCT.UNL.PT
May  6 18:56:26  May  7 04:56:25  afs/fct.unl.pt@FCT.UNL.PT
May  6 18:56:26  May  7 04:56:25  afs/staff.fct.unl.pt@FCT.UNL.PT

user@DIVINF-PC15:~$ tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 1000) tokens for afs@staff.fct.unl.pt [Expires May  7 04:59]
User's (AFS ID 1000) tokens for afs@fct.unl.pt [Expires May  7 04:59]
    --End of list--

... and thanks for the swift reply.


Hugo Monteiro.

fct.unl.pt:~# cat .signature

Hugo Monteiro
Email	 : hugo.monteiro@fct.unl.pt
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307
Web      : http://hmonteiro.net

Divisão de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
		   Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre   2829-516 Caparica   Portugal
Telefone: +351 212948596   Fax: +351 212948548
www.fct.unl.pt                apoio@fct.unl.pt

fct.unl.pt:~# _