[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS and AD trusts

Danko Antolovic dantolov@indiana.edu
Fri, 16 Sep 2011 15:33:09 -0400

Still can't assign privileges to foreign groups and users with the  "fs 
setacl"  command:

[root@afs1c openafs-1.6.0]# fs  listacl  /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu
Access list for /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka

[root@afs1c openafs-1.6.0]# fs  setacl -dir  /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu  
-acl dantolov@ads.iu.edu  rlidwka
[root@afs1c openafs-1.6.0]# fs  setacl -dir  /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu  
-acl system:authuser@ads.iu.edu  rlidwka

[root@afs1c openafs-1.6.0]# fs  listacl  /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu
Access list for /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  system:authuser rlidwka
  dantolov rlidwka

Is the "@" syntax implemented in the  "fs setacl"  command?  It looks as 
if only the first half of the foreign user/group name was considered. 
What am I missing?

Danko Antolovic

Danko Antolovic wrote:
> Well yes, the group system:authuser@iu.edu does exist:
> [root@afs1c afs]# pts  listentries -groups  -noauth
> Name                          ID  Owner Creator
> system:administrators       -204   -204    -204
> system:backup               -205   -204    -204
> system:anyuser              -101   -204    -204
> system:authuser             -102   -204    -204
> system:ptsviewers           -203   -204    -204
> system:authuser@iu.edu      -207   -204       2
> Also, system:authuser@iu.edu was created by 2, which is me as admin, 
> so it was there before my aklog as foreign user.  Is the foreign-realm 
> group something that needs to be set in advance, or is that part of 
> the automatic registration thing?
> And yes, as foreign user dantolov@iu.edu, I lack the "rlidwka" rights 
> to the cell directory /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu.  All I can do is "rl"
> Danko
> Andrew Deason wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:10:40 -0400
>> Danko Antolovic <dantolov@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>> However, this does not let me touch the files in the cell. Trying to
>>> add the foreign-realm group to the directory ACL, like this:
>>> [root@afs1c afs]# fs  setacl -dir  /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu  -acl 
>>> system:authuser@iu.edu  rlidwka
>>> does not seem to work, and just adds the group system:authuser to 
>>> the ACL once more:
>> To be clear: this is supposed to work (and does for me, here). Have you
>> been changing around the names or IDs of these groups?
>> system:authuser@id.edu doesn't appear to exist anymore.
>> This would suggest something along the way is screwing up the id<->name
>> mapping, but that may not necessarily prevent the actual access from
>> working. Are you actually lacking those rights? (that is, when trying to
>> do one of those operations)
>> You can look at a network dump to verify what names are going across the
>> wire, to see if the setacl and listacl requests are what you think
>> they are. You don't need to be familiar with the protocol or anything;
>> it should be pretty easy to see where the acl data is (it is transmitted
>> in the clear, when 'fs crypt' is turned off).
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