[OpenAFS] OpenAfs+Kerberos+OSXLion+Finder+Two Realms

Derrick Brashear shadow@gmail.com
Thu, 22 Sep 2011 09:49:18 -0400

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 7:55 AM, Chris Jones <jonesc@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Kerberos in Lion has some bugs, sadly.
> Is this one of them ?
>> Chris-Jones-Macbook-Pro ~ > kinit jonrob@CERN.CH
>> jonrob@CERN.CH's Password:
>> aklog: Couldn't get cern.ch AFS tickets:
>> aklog: encryption type not supported; "allow_weak_crypto = true" needed in Kerberos configuration while getting AFS tickets
> Been getting it every since updating to Lion, but never got around to looking into it ?

the API to deal with it in-code is no longer exported.

1.6.1 has an attempt to not make you need to deal. effectively, we do
it for you, but only for aklog.
