[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS and AD trusts
Danko Antolovic
Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:32:46 -0400
I was able to delete and re-create the foreign-realm group:
[root@afs1c afs]# pts delete system:authuser@ads.iu.edu -noauth
[root@afs1c afs]# pts creategroup -name system:authuser@ADS.IU.EDU
-owner system:administrators
group system:authuser@ads.iu.edu has id -207
[root@afs1c afs]# pts listentries -groups
Name ID Owner Creator
system:administrators -204 -204 -204
system:backup -205 -204 -204
system:anyuser -101 -204 -204
system:authuser -102 -204 -204
system:ptsviewers -203 -204 -204
system:authuser@ads.iu.edu -207 -204 2
The command prdb_check -verbose -entries turns up a database item for
this group, apparently with the correct id:
Entry at 67136: flags 0x2, id -207i, next 0.
c:09/22 11:51:47 a:time-not-set r:time-not-set n:time-not-set
hash (id 0 name 0). Owner -204i, creator 2i
quota groups 0, foreign users 0. Mem: 0, inst: 0
Owned chain 0, next owned 66368, inst ptrs(0 0 0).
Name is 'system:authuser@ads.iu.edu'
But pts examine is still apparently looking at system:authuser, as if
not understanding the foreign-realm group name:
[root@afs1c afs]# pts examine system:authuser@ads.iu.edu
Name: system:authuser, id: -102, owner: system:administrators, creator:
membership: 0, flags: S-M--, group quota: 0.
Similarly, fs setacl merely adds the group system:authuser to the
ACL, again as if not understanding the group name:
[root@afs1c afs]# fs listacl /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu
Access list for /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu is
Normal rights:
system:administrators rlidwka
system:authuser rlidwka
dantolov rlidwka
[root@afs1c afs]# fs setacl -dir /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu -acl
system:authuser@ads.iu.edu rlidwka
[root@afs1c afs]#
[root@afs1c afs]# fs listacl /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu
Access list for /afs/afs1.bedrock.iu.edu is
Normal rights:
system:administrators rlidwka
system:authuser rlidwka
system:authuser rlidwka
dantolov rlidwka
Incidentally, this is openafs-1.6.0, which is not terribly old. Have
there been any recent changes to the foreign-realm groups code?
Danko Antolovic wrote:
> Another facet of the foreign-realm groups: when creating a
> foreign-realm group, I had to give it an explicit owner. The command
> "pts creategroup" reports the id -206 for the newly created group, and
> so does "pts listentries"; command "pts examine" shows the id
> -102, and the name of the existing group system:authuser.
> I had completely removed the existing prdb.DB0, and was in the process
> of rebuilding it, when I noticed this anomaly. Does this mean that the
> foreign-realm group is screwed up, as before, or is there something
> wrong with "pts examine" ?
> Below are the instructions, in the sequence in which I issued them.
> Danko
> [root@afs1c afs]# pts creategroup system:authuser@ads.iu.edu
> pts: Badly formed name (group prefix doesn't match owner?) ; unable to
> create group system:authuser@ads.iu.edu
> [root@afs1c afs]# pts creategroup -name system:authuser@ADS.IU.EDU
> -owner system:administrators
> group system:authuser@ads.iu.edu has id -206
> [root@afs1c afs]# pts examine system:authuser
> Name: system:authuser, id: -102, owner: system:administrators,
> creator: system:administrators,
> membership: 0, flags: S-M--, group quota: 0.
> [root@afs1c afs]# pts examine system:authuser@ads.iu.edu
> Name: system:authuser, id: -102, owner: system:administrators,
> creator: system:administrators,
> membership: 0, flags: S-M--, group quota: 0.
> [root@afs1c afs]# pts listentries -groups
> Name ID Owner Creator
> system:administrators -204 -204 -204
> system:backup -205 -204 -204
> system:anyuser -101 -204 -204
> system:authuser -102 -204 -204
> system:ptsviewers -203 -204 -204
> system:authuser@ads.iu.edu -206 -204 2
> Andrew Deason wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 13:30:02 -0400
>> Danko Antolovic <dantolov@indiana.edu> wrote:
>>> [root@afs1c db]# prdb_check -verbose -database prdb.DB0.copy -uheader
>>> Ubik Header
>>> Magic = 0x354545
>>> Size = 0
>>> Version.epoch = 1316114301
>>> Version.counter = 2
>>> Ubik header size is 0 (should be 64)
>>> Database has 14 entries
>>> What do you suggest?
>> Hmm, that's all it outputs? Don't worry about the 'size' thing; that
>> check is just broken (should be fixed in gerrit 5466).
>> If you just want it to be up and running, it's probably easiest to just
>> delete the existing ptdb and start over from scratch (that is, with the
>> ptdb, not with everything). Since the database is rather small, that
>> shouldn't be too much of a problem.
>> We'd also like to look at fixing whatever's wrong with the database
>> though, so if you could at least save a copy of it as it exists now so
>> we could take a look at it, that'd be great.
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