[OpenAFS] Re: New volumes get strange IDs and are unusable

Giovanni Bracco bracco@frascati.enea.it
Tue, 27 Sep 2011 14:57:49 +0200

Torbjörn Moa wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I just came back from a trip, and tried your recipe. It worked like a
> charm. Many thanks!

nice to know!
I am somewhat worried that the underlying bug affecting the volid 
definition is still around!


> Cheers, Torbjörn
> On 09/20/2011 05:40 PM, Giovanni Bracco wrote:
>> in our cell enea.it we had the same problem long ago and we were able to
>>   repair the situation in the way that was described at the Openafs
>> Best Practices Workshop 2005:
>> http://workshop.openafs.org/afsbpw05/talks/VirtualAFScell_Bracco_Pittsburgh2005.pdf
>> No idea at that time (nor now!) of how the problem was originated!
>> Giovanni
>> Torbjörn Moa wrote:
>>> On 09/19/2011 04:48 PM, Andrew Deason wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 16:33:06 +0200
>>>> Torbjörn Moa <moa@fysik.su.se> wrote:
>>>>> [root@sysafs2 ~]# vos create sysafs2 /vicepa testatest
>>>>> Volume 2620303136 created on partition /vicepa of sysafs2
>>>>> [root@sysafs2 ~]# vos examine testatest
>>>>> Could not fetch the information about volume 2620303136 from the server
>>>>> : No such device
>>>>> Volume does not exist on server sysafs2.physto.se as indicated by
>>>>> the VLDB
>>>> What version? Some things used to have problems with volume IDs over
>>>> 2147483648 but I thought we've fixed them all by now.
>>> On this particular node we run 1.4.6, but it varies between servers.
>>>>> Note the big diff in volume id's. The id's starting with 536 are
>>>>> normal for my cell, the 2620... I have never seen before.
>>>> Something bumped the "max volume id" counter in the vldb by a large
>>>> number. This could happen in many different ways... unfortuntely, if you
>>>> don't have the logging level turned up in the vlserver or have audit
>>>> logs turned on, it's going to be difficult to determine what did it. Do
>>>> you run any kind of periodic checking for consistency of volumes vs vldb
>>>> or anything like that?
>>> Hmmm, yes we do. We have a nagios check running on all servers that does
>>> a "vos syncserv "$server" -d" and "vos syncvldb "$server" -dryrun"
>>> periodically. I guess you are implying I shouldn't do that...
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