[OpenAFS] batch/cron jobs writing to afs file systems

Andrew Pickford andrew.pickford@glasgow.ac.uk
Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:57:34 +0100


I'm setting up an afs cell for the particle physics research group at 
Glasgow University. I've got the afs cell setup and working and I'm now 
looking at how user jobs on the local batch system and user cron jobs 
can write to the afs cell.

I'm looking for any help and/or advice or better yet an example of a 
working batch/cron system for writing to an afs file system. I did come 
across a project called AUKS (http://auks.sourceforge.net/) which looks 
like it could do the job, but it's not clear to me how to actually use it.

For info we use a mixture of scientific linux 5 and 6 machines in the 
group and use torque/maui for controlling the batch system. The afs 
servers are all running openafs 1.6.0 on scientific linux 6.2 boxes.




Andrew Pickford                    Email: andrew.pickford@glasgow.ac.uk
Rm 473, Kelvin Building            Telephone: +44 141 330 4197
Dept of Physics and Astronomy      Fax: +44 141 330 5881
University of Glasgow              ppewww.physics.gla.ac.uk/~pickford/