[OpenAFS] Error reading diskDataHandle vol header
Staffan Hämälä
Tue, 24 Apr 2012 09:55:56 +0200
We had a crash on an AFS server yesterday. Afterwards, I noticed that vos listvol had these lines in the end:
**** Could not attach volume 538592892 ****
**** Could not attach volume 538592823 ****
Total volumes onLine 1618 ; Total volumes offLine 2 ; Total busy 0
I've not been able to find any information about those two volumes. The vldb seems not to know anything about them:
$ vos exa 538592892
Could not fetch the entry for volume number 538592892 from VLDB
$ vos exa 538592823
Could not fetch the entry for volume number 538592823 from VLDB
Looking at the server logs, I find the following:
04/23/2012 17:30:16 SALVAGING VOLUME 538592823.
04/23/2012 17:30:16 totalInodes 4
04/23/2012 17:30:17 SALVAGING VOLUME 538592892.
04/23/2012 17:30:17 totalInodes 4
04/23/2012 17:30:17 SALVAGING OF PARTITION /vicepb COMPLETED
And, even though the salvager had run just a little while before:
Mon Apr 23 18:05:40 2012 VAttachVolume: Error reading diskDataHandle vol header /vicepb/V0538592823.vol; error=101
Mon Apr 23 18:05:40 2012 VAttachVolume: Error attaching volume /vicepb/V0538592823.vol; volume needs salvage; error=101
Mon Apr 23 18:05:41 2012 VAttachVolume: Error reading diskDataHandle vol header /vicepb/V0538592892.vol; error=101
Mon Apr 23 18:05:41 2012 VAttachVolume: Error attaching volume /vicepb/V0538592892.vol; volume needs salvage; error=101
Mon Apr 23 18:05:41 2012 Partition /vicepb: attached 1634 volumes; 2 volumes not attached
Tue Apr 24 08:12:33 2012 VAttachVolume: Error reading diskDataHandle vol header /vicepb/V0538592823.vol; error=101
Tue Apr 24 08:12:33 2012 VAttachVolume: Error attaching volume /vicepb/V0538592823.vol; volume needs salvage; error=101
Tue Apr 24 08:12:33 2012 1 Volser: ListVolumes: Could not attach volume 538592823 (V0538592823.vol) error=101
Tue Apr 24 08:12:34 2012 VAttachVolume: Error reading diskDataHandle vol header /vicepb/V0538592892.vol; error=101
Tue Apr 24 08:12:34 2012 VAttachVolume: Error attaching volume /vicepb/V0538592892.vol; volume needs salvage; error=101
Tue Apr 24 08:12:34 2012 1 Volser: ListVolumes: Could not attach volume 538592892 (V0538592892.vol) error=101
What should I do with them?
They might even have been there for a long time, without anyone noticing before now.
The server is a Redhat RHEL 4, running openafs 1.4.12.