[OpenAFS] Removing un-attachable volumes

Staffan Hämälä sh@ltu.se
Wed, 27 Jun 2012 11:03:30 +0200

I'm in the process of upgrading an AFS server, and have moved all 
volumes to other servers.

After moving everything, there were a large number of volumes that vos 
listvol "could not attach". Most of these were deleted after running bos 
salvage on the volumes. However, two volumes still remain.

How should I delete them? Is it safe to try vos zap -force?

Output for one of the volumes:

# vos listvol adam
Total number of volumes on server adam partition /vicepg: 1
**** Could not attach volume 539353513 ****

Total volumes onLine 0 ; Total volumes offLine 1 ; Total busy 0

# vos exa 539353513
Could not fetch the entry for volume number 539353513 from VLDB

# bos salvage adam g 539353513 -showlog
Starting salvage.
bos: salvage completed
@(#) OpenAFS built  2010-10-01
06/27/2012 10:51:01 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/afs/bin/salvager 
/vicepg 539353513)
06/27/2012 10:51:01 539353513 is a read-only volume; not salvaged

# vos remove adam g 539353513

Transaction on volume 539353513 failed
    Volume needs to be salvaged

    Volume needs to be salvaged
WARNING: Volume 539353513 does not exist in VLDB
Error in vos remove command.
Volume needs to be salvaged

# vos zap adam g 539353513
Could not start transaction on volume 539353513
Volume needs to be salvaged
Error in vos zap command.
Volume needs to be salvaged

Trying volinfo on the server doesn't help:
# /usr/afs/bin/volinfo -volumeid 539353513
Volinfo: Error attaching volume header V0539353513.vol

I don't know the name of the volume, so I can't run salvage on the RW 
volume either.
