[OpenAFS] the future

Jonathan Billings jsbillin@umich.edu
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 19:36:55 -0400

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 02:33:07PM -0500, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> src/aklog$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../lib ./aklog
> This software is free software, and depends on your ongoing support
> Please consider a donation to http://openafs.org/Donate
> src/tfs/src/aklog$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../lib ./aklog -nonag
> src/tfs/src/aklog$ 

I can tell you right now that I'd probably patch the source to remove
this in our environment.  It would break so much stuff, and just
further prove to my management that AFS is on its way out, since now I
have to maintain local patches.

Jonathan Billings <jsbillin@umich.edu>
College of Engineering - CAEN - Unix and Linux Support