[OpenAFS] is YFS a "derived work"?
Gary Buhrmaster
Mon, 1 Oct 2012 11:12:44 -0700
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Ted Creedon <tcreedon@easystreet.net> wrote:
> The IP (intellectual property) in YFS seems to be derived from AFS's IP.
> If that case can be made, IBM or any other entity could force YFS back into
> the open source domain.
I am confident that YFSi would have dotted and crossed the appropriate
letters and worked with competent legal staff as part of their business
plan (Jeff is a smart person, and he is also an ethical person).
IP law is a minefield, and unless you are (or someone else on the
list is) a lawyer willing to offer free legal advice on list, we should all
probably refrain from the armchair lawyering.