[OpenAFS] More Re: OpenAFS: pr_SNameToId not responding

Jeffrey Altman jaltman@secure-endpoints.com
Tue, 25 Sep 2012 11:55:07 -0400

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On 9/25/2012 11:37 AM, John Tang Boyland wrote:
> This is a followup with more information and hope for a solution.
> I wrote in March about a student who had this error while
> running aklog -d (although ultimately successful)
> 	pr_SNameToId Error server or network not responding

Port 7002 (Protection DB) on the selected server is not responding.

> but also was able to access /afs/openafs.org but not /afs/cs.uwm.edu
> NET VIEW \\AFS gives the correct information:
> ...
> cs.uwm.edu    Disk           AFS MountPoint to #cs.uwm.edu:root.cell
> openafs.org   Disk           AFS MountPoint to #openafs.org:root.cell

No volume location db info for cs.uwm.edu?

You can find out what the cache manager thinks the cellservdb info is usi=

  cmdebug localhost -cellservdb

> I had another student with the syndrome (NIM works fine / openafs.org
> works fine / no cs.uwm.edu access / aklog -d gives the pr_SNameToId err=
> today, and I tried "fs checks" and found that it says that
> 	miller.cs.uwm.edu is not available
> Which is very strange since miller is not an AFS server (file or databa=
> But miller is the machine that "cs.uwm.edu" resolves to!
> So it seems that the installation lacks a CellServDB and/or isn't capab=
le of
> handling AFSBD and/or we're not producing the right records.

There are no AFS3 SRV records for cs.uwm.edu nor are there the older
AFSDB records.

> I think the solution would be to create a CellServDB with an entry for
> cs.uwm.edu.  Probably reinstalling openafs will give us a chance to
> get the grand-central version, which works for cs.uwm.edu
> Best regards,
> John
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