[OpenAFS] status/progress for vos move?
Rich Sudlow
Mon, 22 Apr 2013 13:37:22 -0400
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On 04/22/2013 01:10 PM, hozer wrote:
> Is there any way to get something like what
> 'rsync --progress' does with vos move?
> If not, then what code do I change, and will
> this require a protocol change, or can this
> be done with the existing vos-to-server
> communication RPCs?
> _______________________________________________
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Attached is a program which we use that isn't exact but
works fairly well - there may be changes necessary
for your cell but it's pretty simple.
Rich Sudlow
University of Notre Dame
Center for Research Computing - Union Station
310 West South St
South Bend, In 46601
(574) 631-7258 (office)
(574) 807-1046 (cell)
Content-Type: application/x-perl;
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#Program to check AFS volume transactions and estimate percetage of completion <Requires Volume name as a parameter>
use lib '/afs/crc.nd.edu/x86_64_linux/usr/local/lib/site_perl/current';
use Math::Round::Var;
use AFS::Command::VOS;
if ($#ARGV != 0)
print "\n";
print "Usage $0 <File Server || all> \n";
print "\n";
my $vos = AFS::Command::VOS->new();
my $vos = AFS::Command::VOS->new
command => '/usr/sbin/vos',
$svr_control = 0;
@svrs = `vos listaddrs`;
@SvAll = ();
$Ser_Num = 0;
if (lc($ARGV[0]) eq 'all' )
foreach (@svrs)
$Ser_Num = push(@SvAll,$_)
if (lc($ARGV[0]) ne 'all' )
for $ss ( @svrs )
if ( (index($ss,$ARGV[0]) != -1 && length($ARGV[0]) == index($ss,'.')) || (index($ARGV[0],$ss) != -1) && (length($ss) == length($ARGV[0])))
# print "$ss\n";
$svr_control = 1;
$Ser_Num = push(@SvAll,$ss)
if ($svr_control == 0 && lc($ARGV[0]) ne 'all')
print "\n";
print "**** File Server => $ARGV[0] does not exist !!! *** \n";
print "\n";
#foreach (@SvAll)
# print "...\n";
# print "Srv -> $_\n";
#$print "Number -> $Ser_Num\n";
$cell = 'crc.nd.edu';
$rnd = Math::Round::Var->new(0);
print "\n";
foreach (@SvAll)
$server = $_;
my $result = $vos->status
server => $server,
cell => $cell,
) || die $vos->errors();
print "Server $server has -> " . $result->transactions() . " <- active transactions\n";
foreach my $transaction ( $result->getTransactions() ) {
$volname = $transaction->volume();
# print "There are active transactions for volume ID -> $volname \n";
# print "====================================================\n";
# print "\n";
foreach $tranvol ($result->getTransactionByVolume($volname))
if(index(lc($tranvol->procedure),'restore') != -1)
$procedure = $tranvol->procedure;
$packread = $tranvol->packetRead();
print "\n";
print "Procedure -> $procedure\n";
print "Pack Read -> $packread\n";
my $res = $vos->examine
id => $volname,
cell => $cell,
) || print "\n *** Can not get volume information - $volname from VLDB \n\n" ;
if ( $res != 1) {
foreach my $header ( $res->getVolumeHeaders() ) {
my ($name,$server,$partition,$size) = ($header->name(),$header->server(),$header->partition(),$header->size());
if ($size < 1)
$size = 1;
$pctcmpl = ($packread/$size)*100*1.389;
$pctcmpl = $rnd->round($pctcmpl);
$size = $size/1024/1024;
$size = $rnd->round($size);
if (length($name) ==0)
print "Tere s no information about volume\n";
print "Vol.Name -> $name\n";
print "Server -> $server\n";
print "Partition -> $partition\n";
print "Size -> $size GB ...... Completed -> $pctcmpl\%\n";
print "\n";
} }