[OpenAFS] Help installing openafs-1.6.5 on sunx86: bosserver: fatal: libkrb5.so.1

John Tang Boyland boyland@uwm.edu
Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:17:08 -0500

Just copyiong over libkrb5.so.1 wasn't sufficient:

# /etc/init.d/afs stop
Killing inetd.afs
Shutting down AFS server processes
ld.so.1: bos: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/openafs-1.6.5/root.server/usr/afs/bin/bos: symbol krb5_free_keytab_entry_contents: referenced symbol not found
Killing AFS bosserver


after starting up again

Instance fs, (type is fs) temporarily disabled, stopped for too many errors, has core file, currently shutdown.
    Auxiliary status is: file server shut down.
    Process last started at Tue Aug  6 08:05:23 2013 (14 proc starts)
    Last exit at Tue Aug  6 08:05:24 2013
    Last error exit at Tue Aug  6 08:05:23 2013, by vol, by exiting with code 1
    Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/fileserver'
    Command 2 is '/usr/afs/bin/volserver'
    Command 3 is '/usr/afs/bin/salvager'

I'm seeing if perhaps this machine can be updated by those on the
ground (I'm trying to do this AFS administration from another continent)
but if not, I'll use  Douglas Engert's useful 'ldd' output
to try to find everything missing.)

Thanks all,


] A caution, our custom (for various technical reasons) krb5 binaries
] lacked thread support on Solaris. This will cause spurious crashes.
] They were built with the SUNWSpro compiler but we forgot to provide the
] -mt option (which basically just does -D_REENTRANT as I recall).  I
] don't know what gcc does by default on Solaris.
] On Tue, 6 Aug 2013 08:06:48 -0400
] Derrick Brashear <shadow@gmail.com> wrote:
] > solaris 9 or 10?
] > 
] > for 10, 120012-14 should include libkrb5.so.1
] > 
] > 
] > On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:57 AM, John Tang Boyland
] > <boyland@pabst.cs.uwm.edu>wrote:
] > 
] > > Dear OpenAFS,
] > >   I'm trying to upgrade our servers to openafs 1.6.5.  One sunx86 is
] > > currently
] > > running 1.4.12.  I downloaded the binary for openafs 1.6.5 and tried
] > > to use it but it gives the error:
] > > # /etc/init.d/afs start
] > > Entry for afs already exists in /etc/name_to_sysnum
] > > Loading NFS server kernel extensions
] > > Loading AFS kernel extensions
] > > Starting AFS Server processes
] > > ld.so.1: bosserver: fatal: libkrb5.so.1: open failed: No such file or
] > > directory
] > > 26914 Killed
] > >
] > > I see there is no libkrb5.so standard on solaris x86, so I linked
] > > over an (old, sorry) patched MIT krb 1.5.4 set of libraries
] > > into /usr/lib/krb5 but this set included libkrb5.so.3.2
] > > not libkrb5.so.1  Do I need to downgrade my kerberos system further?
] > > Or do I need to compile from source?
] > >
] > > Best regards,
] > > John
] > > P.S. direct reply will get to me faster since I digest openafs-info
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] > >
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] > 
] > 