[OpenAFS] Re: Trouble creating AFS KeyFile on FreeBSD 10.0
Benjamin Kaduk
Thu, 2 Oct 2014 15:00:21 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 1 Oct 2014, Eric Shell wrote:
> >
> > So, it seems like no authentication is working yet. If I remember
> > correctly from previous mail, your cell name is the same as your realm
> > name, so you shouldn't need a krb.conf to make that mapping (that's a
> > common cause for this sort of behavior).
> >
> > Maybe you should show us the directory listing of
> > /usr/local/etc/openafs/server so we can think about what route to follow
> > next.
> >
> Okay. I don't have a /usr/afs/etc/krb.conf file, the only file in
> /usr/afs/etc/ is ThisCell.
Andrew's reply reminded me that I was going to note: I don't think a
FreeBSD machine with OpenAFS from ports should have a /usr/afs at all --
the wiki page is stale on that point.
You should, however, need both /usr/local/etc/openafs/ThisCell and
/usr/local/etc/openafs/server/ThisCell, and they should all have the same