[OpenAFS] Help: Volume inaccessible after incident
Harald Barth
Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:38:08 +0200 (CEST)
> $ vos examine html.milicchio
> Could not fetch the information about volume 536871913 from the server
> : No such device
> Volume does not exist on server aux.dia.uniroma3.it as indicated by the VLDB
If you do a vos listvol against aux.dia.uniroma3.it you see that you
a) only have html.milicchio.backup but not html.milicchio any more.
b) have a lot of volumes in the offline state on that server
Did the server run any salvage and is there anything in the log about the outcome?
If you have any backupvolumes that are online, you can vos dump them, vos restore
them to another server (preferably first under another name) and check the contents
out. Especially if you do not have any backup on another media of the contents.
vos listvol <servername> | grep <volid>
will give you what the server thinks is there
vos listvldb -name <volid>
will give you what the DB thinks is there
vos exa <volid>
gives you some combined of the two above (if available).