[OpenAFS] Security Advisory 2016-003 and 'bos salvage' questions

Harald Barth haba@kth.se
Tue, 04 Apr 2017 15:45:00 +0200 (CEST)

Is there any reason why the -salvagedir requires -all?
We run dafs.

To minimize downtime I'd like to use this per volume or if that is not
possible at least per partition so I don't need to shut down the
complete fileserver for this. Ok, I can move one volume to a dedicated
salvage fileserver at a time and then out again, but that is tedious.

# bos salvage -server sterlet -partition  a -volume M.probe.sterlet.a -forceDAFS -salvagedirs -orphans attach -localauth
 -salvagedirs only possible with -all.

This is our fileserver config:

# cat /usr/afs/local/BosConfig 
restrictmode 0
restarttime 16 0 0 0 0
checkbintime 16 0 0 0 0
bnode dafs dafs 1
parm /usr/afs/bin/dafileserver -udpsize 131071 -sendsize 131071 -nojumbo -p 128 -busyat 1200 -rxpck 800 -s 2400 -l 2400 -cb 1000000 -b 480 -vc 2400
parm /usr/afs/bin/davolserver
parm /usr/afs/bin/salvageserver -datelogs -parallel all8 -orphans attach
parm /usr/afs/bin/dasalvager -datelogs -parallel all8 -orphans attach
