[OpenAFS] volume could not be attached

Andreas Ladanyi andreas.ladanyi@kit.edu
Mon, 10 Sep 2018 15:55:57 +0200


one volume could not be attached. This is not a new created volume.

OpenAFS (dafs) / Ubuntu 18.04

vos exa user.name:

**** Volume 536875101 is busy ****

    RWrite: 536875101     Backup: 536875103
    number of sites -> 1
       server ... partition /vicepa RW Site

vos online / offline:

SetVolumeStatus: TransCreate Failed
Failed to set volume. Code = 103


1 Volser: GetVolInfo: Could not attach volume 536875101
(/vicepa:V0536875101.vol) error=113
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)
SYNC_ask: negative response on circuit 'FSSYNC'
FSYNC_askfs: FSSYNC request denied for reason=0
VAttachVolume: attach of volume 536875101 apparently denied by file server
attach2: forcing vol 536875101 to error state (state 0 flags 0x0 ec 103)


VRequestSalvage: volume 536875101 online salvaged too many times; forced
FSYNC_backgroundSalvage: unable to request salvage for volume 536875101


09/10/2018 10:12:37 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks
09/10/2018 10:12:39 dispatching child to salvage volume 536875101...
09/10/2018 10:12:40 2 nVolumesInInodeFile 64
09/10/2018 10:12:40 CHECKING CLONED VOLUME 536875103.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name.backup (536875103) updated 09/08/2018 18:32
09/10/2018 10:12:40 SALVAGING VOLUME 536875101.
09/10/2018 10:12:40 user.name (536875101) updated 09/10/2018 10:12
09/10/2018 10:12:40 totalInodes 160966
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Found 40 orphaned files and directories (approx. 80 KB)
09/10/2018 10:12:41 Salvaged user.name (536875101): 160944 files,
11976937 blocks


Inode 2305861000965914623: Good magic 78a1b2c5 and version 1
Inode 2305861001033023487: Good magic 99776655 and version 1
Inode 2305861001100132351: Good magic 88664433 and version 1
Inode 2305861001301458943: Good magic 99877712 and version 1
Volume header for volume 536875101 (user.name)
stamp.magic = 78a1b2c5, stamp.version = 1
inUse = 0, inService = 1, blessed = 1, needsSalvaged = 1, dontSalvage = 0
type = 0 (read/write), uniquifier = 3587963, needsCallback = 0,
destroyMe = 0
id = 536875101, parentId = 536875101, cloneId = 0, backupId = 536875103,
restoredFromId = 0
maxquota = 16777216, minquota = 0, maxfiles = 0, filecount = 160944,
diskused = 11976937
creationDate = 1366961543 (2013/04/26.09:32:23), copyDate = 1533799185
backupDate = 1536512433 (2018/09/09.19:00:33), expirationDate = 0
accessDate = 1536568099 (2018/09/10.10:28:19), updateDate = 1536568099
owner = 29724, accountNumber = 0
dayUse = 9473; week = (20149, 14021, 403285, 46815, 88402, 59592,
32594), dayUseDate = 1536530400 (2018/09/10.00:00:00)
volUpdateCounter = 161079
