[OpenAFS] aklog: a pioctl failed while setting tokens for cell

Jan Pospíšil honik@kma.zcu.cz
Thu, 25 Jul 2019 11:04:31 +0200


I have macOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra) with just installed Security Update 2019-004 and after the update I have problems getting tokens, I am using aklog, see the pioctl error below. I have tried to reinstall AuriStor-client-0.188-HighSierra.dmg, but it did not help. The sequence of commands:

$ kinit 
honik@ZCU.CZ's password:

$ klist -f
Credentials cache: API:0989E00B-F996-422A-A9E9-7AAC921E5CEA
       Principal: honik@ZCU.CZ

 Issued                Expires             Flags    Principal
Jul 24 11:22:54 2019  Jul 24 21:22:50 2019  FIA    krbtgt/ZCU.CZ@ZCU.CZ

$ aklog -d
Authenticating to cell zcu.cz.
======== Auristor rxgk ========
GSSAPI Error [851968:2529638919]
Miscellaneous failure (see text)
Matching credential (yfs-rxgk/_afs.zcu.cz@ZCU.CZ) not found
-------- failed --------
======== rxkad ========
Trying to authenticate to user's realm ZCU.CZ.
Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
-------- succeeded --------
aklog: a pioctl failed while setting tokens for cell zcu.cz

$ klist -f
Credentials cache: API:0989E00B-F996-422A-A9E9-7AAC921E5CEA
       Principal: honik@ZCU.CZ

 Issued                Expires             Flags    Principal
Jul 24 11:22:54 2019  Jul 24 21:22:50 2019  FIA    krbtgt/ZCU.CZ@ZCU.CZ
Jul 24 11:24:15 2019  Jul 24 21:22:50 2019  FA     afs/zcu.cz@ZCU.CZ

$ tokens -debug

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

  --End of list—

Surprisingly, on another computer with the same setting (same macOS and client version), the aklog works as expected (the GSSAPI error is probably not the problem):

$ aklog -d
Authenticating to cell zcu.cz.
======== Auristor rxgk ========
GSSAPI Error [851968:2529638919]
Miscellaneous failure (see text)
Matching credential (yfs-rxgk/_afs.zcu.cz@ZCU.CZ) not found
-------- failed --------
======== rxkad ========
Trying to authenticate to user's realm ZCU.CZ.
Using Kerberos V5 ticket natively
-------- succeeded ————

$ tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 6141) rxkad tokens for zcu.cz [Expires Jul 24 21:37]
  --End of list--

Please could someone give me a hint how to investigate further what could cause the problem?

Thank you in advance.
With best regards

Jan Pospisil, Ph.D.			e-mail: honik@kma.zcu.cz
University of West Bohemia	phone:  (+420) 37763-2675
Department of Mathematics	fax:    (+420) 37763-2602
Plzen, Czech Republic		address: Univerzitni 22, 306 14