[OpenAFS] aklog: a pioctl failed while setting tokens for cell

Jan Pospíšil honik@kma.zcu.cz
Fri, 26 Jul 2019 11:42:55 +0200

First of all I would like to thank all for your effort to help me, I really appreciate it.

On 25 Jul 2019, at 19:49, Daria Phoebe Brashear <shadow@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you do the following and give me output?
> rxdebug localhost 7001 -version

I am afraid I do not have rxdebug, it is not part of the auristor client, is it? Where can I get the macOS version of these utils?

> kextstat | grep auristor

ok, the list is empty, i.e. the kernel extension is not loaded, which confirms what Benjamin Kadudk wrote, and afsd is not running

# launchctl list | grep auristor
581	0	com.auristor.XPCHelper
-	1	com.auristor.yfs-client

# ps auxww | grep -i afsd

> On 25 Jul 2019, at 23:09, Marcio Barbosa <mbarbosa@sinenomine.net> =
> With that being said, I would take a look on =

Unfortunately I cannot see any useful info there. Running manually

# launchctl start com.auristor.yfs-client

gives “only"

Jul 26 10:52:47 vpn-234-086 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.auristor.yfs-client[2954]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

> Also, I would go to "System Preferences > Security and Privacy" to =
> if we have to "allow" the kernel extension.

I remember I clicked on allow during the installation. It seems that the problem is really in the “signature”:

# kextutil /Library/Extensions/yfs.kext
Untrusted kexts are not allowed
Kext with invalid signature (-67062) denied: /Library/StagedExtensions/System/Library/Extensions/1B4B7561-DC98-41D3-82B6-E5C754200137.kext
Bundle (/System/Library/Extensions/LaCieScsiType00.kext) failed to validate, deleting: /Library/StagedExtensions/System/Library/Extensions/1B4B7561-DC98-41D3-82B6-E5C754200137.kext
Unable to stage kext (/System/Library/Extensions/LaCieScsiType00.kext) to secure location.
Kext rejected due to system policy: <OSKext 0x7fe37b9cfa50 [0x7fffa90b9b40]> { URL = "file:///Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/yfs.kext/", ID = "com.auristor.filesystems.yfs" }
Diagnostics for /Library/Extensions/yfs.kext:

# sqlite3 /var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy
sqlite> SELECT * FROM kext_policy WHERE bundle_id LIKE '%yfs' ;
L2TGP62ZXS|com.your-file-system.filesystems.yfs|1|AuriStor, Inc.|12
L2TGP62ZXS|com.auristor.filesystems.yfs|0|AuriStor, Inc.|4

Why there are two policies and why the latter is disabled? On the other computer the extension is enabled and everything works fine, so I don't understand, why even re-installing the client did not help here.
