[OpenAFS] rxperf

Stephan Wiesand stephan.wiesand@desy.de
Thu, 7 Mar 2019 13:19:46 +0100


> On 7. Mar 2019, at 09:03, Andreas Ladanyi <andreas.ladanyi@kit.edu> =
> Hi,
> i want to test rx performance with rxperf. Where can i get rxperf ?

it happens to be packaged in SL's plumbing-tools rpm. I think the =
executable should work on most other current distros too. This is on =
Ubuntu 18.04:

/tmp % wget -q -O - =
nafs-1.6-sl-plumbing-tools-1.6.23-289.sl7.x86_64.rpm | rpm2cpio | cpio =
12502 blocks
/tmp % ./usr/afs/debug/rxperf
usage: /rxperf client -c send -b <bytes>
usage: /rxperf client -c recv -b <bytes>
usage: /rxperf client -c rpc  -S <sendbytes> -R <recvbytes>
usage: /rxperf client -c file -f filename
/rxperf: usage:	common option to the client -w <write-bytes> -r =
<read-bytes> -T times -p port -s server -D
usage: /rxperf server -p port

There's no 1.8.x package yet though.

But you'll also find it in src/tools/rxperf after "./configure =
--disable-kernel-module; make".

Maybe we should add it in our redhat packaging.


Stephan Wiesand
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen, Germany