[OpenAFS] Rekey AFS - aklog not working

Andreas Hirczy ahi@itp.tugraz.at
Tue, 07 Sep 2021 19:15:14 +0200

Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@mit.edu> writes:

> On Tue, Sep 07, 2021 at 06:25:24PM +0200, Andreas Hirczy wrote:
>> Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@mit.edu> writes:
>> > Running akeyconvert after copying the keytab should do the trick.  You may
>> > need to `touch` the (server) CellServDB file after that in order to get the
>> > change picked up; I forget if the KeyFileExt is on the list of files that
>> > are watched in 1.8.5.
>> Thanks - I touched CellServDB, but it seems that was not enough.
> Well, `bos restart -bosserver` is guaranteed to make the servers pick up
> the newest keys, albeit at the price of some disruption.

Yes - but I think my problem was the absence of KeyFileExt.

> P.S. Any reason not too keep this on the (archived) list?

No - actually I just forgot to "wide reply" in my mailer.

Andreas Hirczy <ahi@itp.tugraz.at>                  https://itp.tugraz.at/~ahi/
Graz University of Technology                       phone: +43/316/873-   8190
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