[OpenAFS] a question about CellServDB and DNS alias

Giovanni Bracco giovanni.bracco@enea.it
Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:15:11 +0100

In the documentation for the CellServDB file (both client & server)

it is declared that is the "fully qualified hostname"
that must be provided in the line defining a dbserver.

So even if a dbserver has an alias in the DNS different from the 
hostname, it is definitely the hostname that must be provided in the 
CellServDB line.

Have I well understood?

So reading the CellServDB file OpenAFS considers that at a given IP 
address it will find the hostname defined in the CellServDB file line.

(by the way: we do not have AFSDB records in our DNS)


Giovanni Bracco
phone  +39 351 8804788
E-mail  giovanni.bracco@enea.it
WWW http://www.afs.enea.it/bracco


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