[OpenAFS] moving a RW volume which several RO copies : when the vos release
becomes a "complete release" ?
Giovanni Bracco
Thu, 27 Feb 2025 11:16:33 +0100
Recently, when upgrading the OS of a file server, we have moved only the
RW volumes to an already upgraded fileserver, leaving the RO copies on
several sites where they were.
When the upgrade was completed we have moved back the RW on the original
RW Volumes where NOT modified in the meanwhile but when issuing a "vos
release" it becomes nevertheless a "complete release" and this is
annoying as the sites connections have an rtt of about 5 ms and rx
performance is limited to about 10 MB/s.
So the question is:
why the vos release becomes a full release if the RW volume is just
moved between fileservers, not modified anyway?
Giovanni Bracco
phone +39 351 8804788
E-mail giovanni.bracco@enea.it
WWW http://www.afs.enea.it/bracco <http://www.afs.enea.it/bracco>
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