[OpenAFS-win32-devel] Re: OpenAFS-1.3.66 freelance access to RW path
Douglas E. Engert
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:06:03 -0500
The point is the freelance does not work as expected to get at the RW path
in a cell. If I did not use freelance, but relied on connectivity to the home cell,
access /afs/.anl.gov/ would have worked.
Our users will be surprised if they use freelance the way it is.
I would suggest that adding a DriveLetter with the cell starting with a "." would
add the .<cell>%<cell>:root.cell to the fake root.cell in the registry.
The other suggestions below don't appear to work either.
Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Douglas E. Engert wrote:
> >It does not appear to work. I tried adding a mount for .anl.gov using the
> >afs Client Driv Letter Add dialog. Is there some other way to specify the RW path?
> >
> >
> this does not add mount points.
> >I see in the registry:
> >
> >"0"="anl.gov#anl.gov:root.cell.
> >"
> >"1"=".anl.gov#.anl.gov:root.cell.
> >"
> >
> >
> These are both read only mount points.
> >If I change the last line to:
> >"1"=".anl.gov%anl.gov:root.cell.
> >"
> >(i.e. change "#." to "%") restart, then I can access the RW path.
> >
> >
> You can automatically add a mount point by accessing \\AFS\.cellname\ or
> you can manually
That did not work, I tried adding .fnal.gov and it added
.fnal.gov#.fnal.gov:root.cell to the registry which has the same problem.
> create a mount point with
> fs mkmount \\AFS\all\.anl.gov root.cell anl.gov -rw
That gives: fs: mount points must be created within the AFS file system as the
fs does not apprear to operate on the fake root cell used by freelance.
Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444