[OpenAFS-win32-devel] Drive Mappings
Andreas Buechler
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 10:34:17 +0100
I'm trying to figure out how to customize the openafs msi package in way
that a users afs directory is mapped to a windows drive
(/afs/cellname/usr/%username% -> Z:\). In registry.txt I found that I
have to create the registry key HKCU\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Mappings
and set it's value to the drive letter. But how do I set the
corresponding afs path?
From http://www.openafs.org/dl/openafs/1.3.77/winnt/registry.txt:
Value : "upper case drive letter"
Type : REG_SZ
Default : <none>
These values are used to store the AFS path in Unix notation
to which the drive letter is to be mapped.
Thanks for any hints
Andi Buechler