[OpenAFS-win32-devel] Proposal: @sys names for future releases
Douglas E. Engert
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 09:39:41 -0600
Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> IBM changed the @sys name used for their distribution of AFS for Windows
> to "i386_w2k". I don't believe that this is a particularly useful
> change since there are not significant differences between the platforms.
> I am going to make the following proposal for @sys names for future
> releases of OpenAFS for Windows which will help distinguish the platform
> OpenAFS is running on:
> x86_win32 - for x86 32-bit architectures
> x86_win64 - for x86/amd 64-bit architectures
> itanium_win64 - for itanium 64-bit architectures
> Does anyone feel that these are bad choices? As OpenAFS for Windows
> supports multiple names I am going to set the sysname list to
> "x86_win32 i386_w2k i386_nt40" on existing 32-bit systems
What does it mean to support multiple names?
What will fs sysname return? The first in the list?
When a request to open a file or directory with @sys Will it try
and substitute each of these nmaes in order then test if the file or
directory exists? What if the request has multiple @sys, will it make
sure they both use the same name?
And I favor Kris's suggestions for consistency of the procesor names.
> The new platforms will get the new single name.
> Jeffrey Altman
Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444