[OpenAFS-win32-devel] Windows cache problem

Peter Reuterås peter@md.kth.se
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 09:37:01 +0100 (CET)

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One user has some strange problems with the OpenAFS client. The client=20
have used old cached files instead of newer from the server (he works bot=
from home and work). The date showned by windows is correct for the new=20
file, but opening the file in word still gets the old file.

Clocks are synced with ntp on clients and server.

Clients: 1.3.87 and 1.4.0-RC8
Server: 1.2.13 (on RH9)

If the file is accessed from a Linux computer it gets the right version.

He also received this strange error message:

W:\>fs flushv
Error flushing volume .: No error

Right clicking on a file in AFS can in some cases cause explorer to stop=20
responding for 20-30 seconds. Any ideas of possible problems or where to=20
continue to look for a solution/fix? The computer has been scanned for=20
viruses and spyware.

Best regards,


Peter Reuter=E5s						Tel +46 8 7909558
Department of Machine Design 				Mob +46 709 370335
MMK IT 							Fax +46 8 202287
Brinellv=E4gen 83
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden