[OpenAFS-win32-devel] Re: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS 1.4 Release Candidate 1 now available

Ted Anderson TedAnderson@mindspring.com
Fri, 02 Sep 2005 10:19:38 -0400

On 8/21/2005 23:58, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> The OpenAFS Gatekeepers are pleased to announce the availability of
> OpenAFS version 1.4 Release Candidate 1.  Source files and currently
> available binaries may be accessed via the web at:
>     http://dl.openafs.org/dl/openafs/candidate/1.4.0-rc1/
> Changes under Microsoft Windows (2000, XP, and 2003)

Congratulations on this milestone and the hard work all have put into
it.  I am enormously gratified that AFS continues to live on beyond its
CMU/Transarc/IBM origins with the support of a lively open source community.

> Enhanced Integration in Heterogeneous Environments
> AFS UNC paths are now supported, eliminating reliance on mapped drive
> letters and allowing for true worldwide path usage and cross platform
> filesystem links.

I've been using the 1.3 Windows client for a while and I've never been
able to get this to work with "fs" commands.  I just assummed the
feature implementation wasn't fully complete, but seeing this
announcement, I decided to look into it some more.  I found that the
problem is that back and forward slashes are not equivalent.  For example:

[...gpfs/src]% fs lv $dst/ota
fs: Invalid argument; it is possible that //afs/k56/proj/dst/ota is not
in AFS.
[...gpfs/src]% fs lv `cygpath -w $dst/ota`
Volume status for vid = 536873465 named proj.dst.ota
Current disk quota is 1000000
Current blocks used are 478232
The partition has 6572312 blocks available out of 29390844

[...gpfs/src]% cygpath -w $dst/ota

With other applications on my Windows 2000 machine I don't have this
problem.  Specifically, in cmd:

dir "//aladdin/lan-c/winnt/system32/drivers/etc"
dir "\\aladdin\lan-c\winnt\system32\drivers\etc"
dir "c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc"
dir "c:/winnt/system32/drivers/etc"

All display the directory equally well.

Would it be possible for AFS commands to recognize UNC paths with either
forward or backslashes?

Ted Anderson