[OpenAFS-port-darwin] "disktool -r" causes Bus error from diskutil

Alexei Kosut akosut@cs.stanford.edu
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 10:54:43 -0700

On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 07:23:27PM +0200, Ragnar Sundblad wrote:
> There is a potential that we in arla will get working support
> for Fake Mount Points ("fakemp"?), which will make afs mount
> points just be faked directories until something really goes
> down there and fiddles, which makes directory browsing in
> directories with many mount points (like /afs/xx/home/...)
> go much faster. The support is in there but there was some
> problems, I haven't tried it for a while though. I haven't
> heard anything about this for the openafs client.

OpenAFS has has this feature (the -fakestat or -fakestat-all flag)
since version 1.2.6.

Alexei Kosut <akosut@cs.stanford.edu> <http://cs.stanford.edu/~akosut/>