[OpenAFS-port-darwin] mount_afs warning
Alexei Kosut
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 19:36:58 -0500
On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 12:02 PM, Jonathan Z. Simon wrote:
> So I would recommend adding the line 'if [ ! -d /Network/afs ]; then
> mkdir /Network/afs; fi' near the top of
> /Library/StartupItems/OpenAFS/OpenAFS if you will ever use the
> -nomount option.
What we've done here at Stanford is to add "mkdir -p ${dir}" to the
loop that checks for the the directories named in $VICEETC/cacheinfo.
It does the same thing, but allows the cacheinfo file to be changed
without needing to alter the startup script.
Another option, of course, is to mount afs somewhere different than
specified in your cacheinfo file. The -nomount option to afsd means
that this setting is essentially irrelevant, so you can mount the AFS
root anywhere you please. That way, the check in the startup script
will always pass.
Alexei Kosut <akosut@cs.stanford.edu> <http://cs.stanford.edu/~akosut/>