[OpenAFS-port-darwin] problems with aklog
Jonathan Z. Simon
Sun, 29 Aug 2004 09:59:15 -0400
I haven't been able to get aklog to work ever since I upgraded to Mac
OS X 10.3 (on two separate systems). I followed the applicable
instructions generously provided at
<http://www-personal.umich.edu/~arosenbl/AFS103.html>, including
installation of aklog, aklog_loginLogout, and the kerberos
modifications to /etc/authorization. The parallel instructions for 10.2
*do* work on my 10.2 systems.
Here are my symptoms:
o On execution of aklog I get the error message:
aklog: Couldn't get glue.umd.edu AFS tickets:
aklog: Invalid argument while getting AFS tickets
o On execution of kinit I get a Kerberos ticket but I also get the
error message:
MacLeland: Couldn't get glue.umd.edu AFS tickets: Don't have Kerberos
ticket-granting ticket (get_ad_tkt)
and I also get the system.log message:
kinit: aklog.loginLogut: aklog failed with error 4
o On execution of klog -cell glue.umd.edu I do get tokens after a delay
of ~30 seconds.
Here's one setup:
PB G4 running Mac OS X 10.3.5
OpenAFS 1.2.11-20040623
Kerberos Realm uses v4
Any experience with this behavior?
Jonathan Z. Simon
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering / Dept. of Biology
University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742 USA
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