[OpenAFS-port-darwin] AfsCommander Screenshoot

Matt Elliott melliott@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:40:25 -0500

On Jun 27, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Claudio Bisegni wrote:

> Hi Folk,
> this is the link for AfsCommander screenshoot,
> the alfa release is near the end i have some problem with  
> localization and launch scritp, if anyone want help me.... is welcome

It looks great so far. What do you need help with regarding the  
launch script?  Starting and stopping the OpenAFS client?

Couple little comments.

On the Main tab, If the text of the button changes based on the  
current state, you don't need another piece of text with the current  
state.  If the button text reads "Stop AFS" then I can assume its on,  
if it say "Start AFS" then I don't need to know that its off.

On the CellServDB Editor tab.

I like the + - buttons.  I'm not sure what the text next to the  
button Save configuration is for.  Seems redundant. I'd suggest a  
change of the button "Modify" to "Edit"

On the Auth IP Configurator sheet.
Is there any reason those two buttons couldn't be +, -, and Edit as  
it is on the Editor tab that pulled up the sheet?  I'd also suggest  
that the OK button be changed to Save. Though I suspect that the data  
isn't actually written to the config file till you click on the Save  
configuration button.

Those are my thoughts as a Mac user.  Other Mac users may have  
different views.