[OpenAFS-port-darwin] using OpenAFS Preference Pane for Mounts

Jonathan Z. Simon jzsimon@umd.edu
Sat, 20 Mar 2010 14:39:09 -0400


Thank you for responding so quickly. :)

Is there an example that works with volumes and without soft links though? =
I already have soft links sprinkled throughout my various directories as ne=
eded, so I was hoping for actual volume mounts.



Just in case somebody else out there is looking for an example of something=
 that worked, here's a specific example that did work (it created a soft li=
nk to an afs directory on the desktop).:

The goal was to get a new mount on my desktop with the name "pub@afs" that =
pointed to a deep afs directory named "pub".

In the OpenAFS prefpane, in the mounts panel, I clicked the "Add New Path" =
button. In dialog window, in the top line ("Link Name") I typed the name th=
at I wanted for my mount "pub@afs".  I clicked on the "Select Path" button =
and found the afs directory I wanted easy access to ("/afs/(other paths her=
e)/pub") and the clicked the "Save" button. Then I checked the check box "E=
nable Symbolic Link".

After all that, I pushed the red "Shutdown" button" (and entered my admin p=
assword), then waited until afs was unmounted and pushed the  same button, =
now named "Startup". Then I renewed my tokens.

Now there is a soft link folder on my desktop named "pub@afs", and when I d=
ouble click on it, it opens a window called "pub" which is my deep afs dire=

Thank you Claudio for this mechanism to create soft links without the comma=
nd line.

On Mar 20, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Bisegni Claudio wrote:

> Hi Jonathan, that you for compliment.
> in the mont tab you can create a new path and remove a path. Now for crea=
te a new link you must press "add new path" button and cioice a link name(t=
his will be the name of link folder on desktop) and a destination path that=
 is the path where the link point.
> you can create many link you you want, but remember to activate the link =
checking the check box "Enable Symbolic Link". I have tried now and you wil=
l see all your configured link on desktop
> Claudio
> On 20/mar/2010, at 17.24, Jonathan Z. Simon wrote:
>> I would like to use the "Mounts" panel of the newly incorporated OpenAFS=
 preference pane (thank you Claudio!!!), but I can't figure out the format =
of what goes where. (I'm assuming that I can use this like OpenAFS on Windo=
ws to mount various local volumes that correspond to different nodes on the=
 afs tree, which would be great.)
>> Does anyone on this list have a successful example of its use that they =
could post?
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan