[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Re: osX 10.9 package

Brennan Hildebrand brennanmh@gmail.com
Sun, 25 Aug 2013 21:33:56 +0000 (UTC)

Dariusz Paluch <taxido_16 <at> o2.pl> writes:

> Hello. I have a request.
> Can somebody build package for osX 10.9.
> Or tell me how I can build it on my Mac?

I managed to get openafs working on 10.9 this way:

NOTE: this is potentially dangerous as you become the superuser to do it.
Be very very careful if you 
attempt this!!!

1) Download the .dmg for 10.8 and mount it (double click)
2) copy OpenAFS.pkg to a temporary location
3) open a terminal window
4) become root (sudo su)
5) cd /
6) tar xvjf {temp_loc}/OpenAFS.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz
7) cd {temp_local/OpenAFS.pkg/Contents/Resources
8) sh ./postinstall
9) exit

I rebooted for good measure.

Now, go to the preferences pane and choose your cell.

For me, at least, I had to have kerberos working first and I won't
go into that here.

I use kinit and aklog from the command line to auth and connect,
so I don't know if there is a more 
friendly way.

Basically, though, the build that is in the 10.8 package works, the
problem is only that the package  won't install for version 10.9. If
someone knows how to change that, I'd love to know how myself as 
I'd rather be more "official".

For now, this workaround is "good enough" for me.
