[OpenAFS-port-darwin] Building on Mavericks

Matt Haught matt_haught@ncsu.edu
Thu, 14 Nov 2013 23:27:23 -0500

I still have the symlink kernel panics with 10.9 but I have been able
to successfully build and package using these patches (I am using
openafs-stable-1_6_5_x branch):

Various updated files for new os version:

Packaging updates for new os version:

kauth.rg space removals:

osi_machdep.h needs a few cherry picked patches from the master branch:

Packaging gets a little more painful as you need to get an older
Aux Xcode Tools that includes PackageMaker and create a symlink to
where the packaging scripts are looking.

Login to developer.apple.com and get "Auxiliary Tools for Xcode - Late
July 2012". Open and put PackageMaker.app into /Applications/Utilities

sudo mkdir -p /Developer/usr/bin/
sudo ln -s /Applications/Utilities/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker

I am using
./configure --enable-transarc-paths
make dest
sudo make packages

It builds, and the package installs fine.
Matt Haught
North Carolina State University