[OpenAFS-port-freebsd] freebsd server port status

Tom Maher tardis@watson.org
16 Jun 2001 22:05:16 -0400

Hi, I'm still alive and doing work as time permits.  I finally fixed the
password reading bug in des/read_pssword.c.  Currently, I think I have a
working vldb, pts, ka, and fileserver.  I can even create volumes, fill
them with tasty files and directories, and they work.

The current hangup is that after I add a replication site for a volume
(root.afs or root.cell or root.yourmom, it matters not), and then try to
release said volume, volserver corrupts the original volume, and
salvager can't do anything to get it back.  This behaviour occurs
whether the future replication site is on the same partition or not,
whether I use soft updates on the underlying file system or not.

I'm using the AFS_NAMEI_ENV server code.  If anyone has ideas/could be
of help, let me know and I'll make available my diffs.

Tom Maher