[OpenAFS-port-freebsd] OpenAFS on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE?

Jan Henrik Sylvester me@janh.de
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:16:06 +0200

I hope this list is most appropriate, since the one @freebsd seems to be
even less used.

After upgrading from FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE to 9.2-RELEASE last month, I
got a panic using AFS the first time. Recompiling with the port was not
possible, since param.amd64_fbsd_92.h is missing.

Since OpenAFS compiled on 9.1 panicked, I assume that some KBI must have
changed and I have not tried to create the header in an obvious way.
(Should I try?)

I have not found anything 9.2 related under git.openafs.org. Does anyone
(bjk?) already have a fix (but uncommitted)?

Using scp to some Linux machine is always an alternative for me, but I
would like to use /afs on my FreeBSD laptop directly again.

Jan Henrik