[OpenAFS] Compiling 1.2.8 on Irix

Tim C. tim@umbc.edu
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 18:10:55 -0500 (EST)

  Apparently this can build on Irix since there is a package avaliable for it,
but here is the message I got.  Maybe something didn't get included in the
source tarball that's in cvs?

cc -I. -I.. -I/usr/tmp/builds/openafs-1.2.8/src/config -I/usr/include/sys/fs
-I/usr/include -I/usr/include/sys -DSTATIC=static -DAFS_SGIMP_ENV -DMP
-D_KERNEL -DMP_STREAMS -D_MP_NETLOCKS -DMRSP_AS_MR -fullwarn -non_shared -G 0
-TENV:kernel -OPT:space -OPT:Olimit=0 -CG:unique_exit=on -TENV:X=1
-OPT:IEEE_arithmetic=1 -OPT:roundoff=0 -OPT:wrap_around_unsafe_opt=off -DIP19
-DEVEREST -DMP -DR4000 -mips3  -D_PAGESZ=16384 -D_MIPS3_ADDRSPACE -64 -woff
1209,1196,1496  -g -c ../rx/rx_knet.c;
"../rx/../rx/../netinet/in_pcb.h", line 53: error(1005): could not open source
          file "in_lookupx_stats.h"
  #include "in_lookupx_stats.h"

1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "../rx/rx_knet.c".


Tim Craig		These are my opinions and not my employers. :)
OIT-Systems	&	Imaging Research Center
tim@umbc.edu		It's hard to be serious when you're
			naked. - Garfield