[OpenAFS] Behavior Changes in XP GUI (and OSX Panther)

Chris McClimans openafs-info@mcclimans.net
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 14:29:44 -0600

I have directories in AFS used for students to submit assignments. The 
permissions for the students have previously been list and insert. This 
allowed for the students to drag and drop zip files into a write only 
(once) inbox folder.

However it appears that the XP Client (I'm not saying the AFS Client, 
I'm speaking about the logic of explorer.exe used by XP) first tests 
the ability to write to a file by 'touching' it in the unix sense and 
then trying to copy data into the file. Obviously this doesn't work if 
the users have only 'li' privileges to this folder, because once they 
'insert' an zero byte file, they can't remove or modify that file.

I found a quick work around by adding permissions to allow user to 
write to existing files. 'liw' gives the users the ability to drag and 
drop into the inbox folder from the gui only once without being able to 
do it again. I'm not sure why it won't let them do it again, but I 
think this is because the GUI uses a logic of remove the old file, then 
copy a new one.

Anybody else see odd behavior like this or and have any suggestions?