[OpenAFS] MacOSX "latest release" is still 1.2.11?

Garance A Drosihn drosih@rpi.edu
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 17:53:26 -0500

At 6:15 PM -0600 2/16/05, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
>I have downloaded the 'Latest release' link for OSX several times, and
>thought I was getting the latest, but if I do 'strings' on
>/usr/sbin/afsd after installing, it looks like it is actualy 1.2.11???
>wget ftp://openafs.org/dl/openafs/1.2.13/macos-10.3/OpenAFS.pkg.tar.gz

You would be better off running the latest snapshot of the 1.3
branch.  Unless I missed some recent change (which is certainly
possible...), the latest release on 1.2 will panic in several

The latest snapshot on the 1.3 branch does not include packages
for MacOS, so you have to compile it from source.  I think I
picked that up at:


I am not 100% sure of the correct steps to compile it, because I
was not in a good frame of mind when I built it  (I had just lost
a whole bunch of work due to one of those panics...)

But if my notes are correct, the following is what I did:

    #   If you have a directory called '/Library/OpenAFS/Tools',
    #   I think you want to move it aside...
    cd /Library/OpenAFS/
    sudo mv Tools Tools-Previous

    cd ~
    gnutar xzpf openafs-1.3.78-src.tar.gz
    cd openafs-1.3.78
    ./configure --with-afs-sysname=ppc_darwin_70 --prefix=/Library/OpenAFS/Tools
    time make && sudo make install
    sudo make packages
    cd src/packaging/MacOS
    open .

Assuming that all worked, you should see an 'OpenAFS.pkg' file in
the directory which opens up in the finder.  That package-file can
be used to install OpenAFS on MacOS 10.  I did this on MacOS 10.3.7,
and I have not seen any panics after installing OpenAFS from that
installer (and I have been doing more with OpenAFS now than I had
been before).

Disclaimer:  You should probably wait a day or so, just in case
the above instructions are not complete, or not correct.  Someone
who actually knows what they're doing might have something they
want to add!!    :-)

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad@gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad@freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih@rpi.edu