[OpenAFS] MacOSX "latest release" is still 1.2.11?
Troy Benjegerdes
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 19:05:40 -0600
On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 05:53:26PM -0500, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 6:15 PM -0600 2/16/05, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> >I have downloaded the 'Latest release' link for OSX several times, and
> >thought I was getting the latest, but if I do 'strings' on
> >/usr/sbin/afsd after installing, it looks like it is actualy 1.2.11???
> >
> >wget ftp://openafs.org/dl/openafs/1.2.13/macos-10.3/OpenAFS.pkg.tar.gz
> >
> You would be better off running the latest snapshot of the 1.3
> branch. Unless I missed some recent change (which is certainly
> possible...), the latest release on 1.2 will panic in several
> situations.
> The latest snapshot on the 1.3 branch does not include packages
> for MacOS, so you have to compile it from source. I think I
> picked that up at:
> http://www.openafs.org/release/openafs-1.3.78.html
> I am not 100% sure of the correct steps to compile it, because I
> was not in a good frame of mind when I built it (I had just lost
> a whole bunch of work due to one of those panics...)
I've been looking at 1.3.78, and have it running on one machine..
however, it seems either that machine itself has some problems, or
1.3.78 still has some issues, since for no apparent reason I was getting
"Lost contact with file server X.X.X.X in cell (multi-homed
address)" messages, but if I ping the fileserver's address, it is most
definitely there.
This seemed to happen after I tried to copy a 'OpenAFS.pkg' directory
from my afs homedir to another location on AFS.
The worst part is once you lose afs connectivity, you can't seem to
kinit anymore because of some interaction issue with the OSX kerberos
default ticket cache.