[OpenAFS] OpenAFS through-the-NAT performance.

Jakub Witkowski jpw@wszib.edu.pl
Tue, 19 Sep 2006 16:29:49 +0200

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Dnia 18-09-2006, pon o godzinie 10:29 -0400, Jim Rees napisa=C5=82(a):

> You can set a probe interval with "fs checks -interval" but that's not qu=
> what you want because it only sets the interval for down servers.
This helps a lot by itself, as it cuts down the wait time considerably.

> There is a "fs discon" command that will put you in to "nat mode," where =
> servers will be probed at 60 second interval.  See=20
> afs_SetCheckServerNATmode() in afs/afs_daemons.c.  This is not enabled in=
> by default, and I'm not sure there is code in afs_pioctl to call it.  The
> reason for this is that it's a very unfriendly thing to do to your file
> server, and we don't think the file server should be punished for your la=
> of connectivity.
Grepping OpenAFS 1.4.1 sources, I found no trace of the mentioned fs
command, nor the function.=20
Which version did you refer to? 1.5.8?=20

> Of course if your afs admins are also deploying nats with short timeouts,
> they get what they deserve.
Sadly, the firewall in question is not under my authority, and since it
does not impair our internal AFS usage the probability of this getting
changed is very low.

> Also be sure you have recent file servers.  Some important fixes went in
> recently to track clients with poor (or mobile) connectivity.

Recent? 1.4.1? Or?

On a side note, exactly how much unfriendly the 'nat mode' is? =20

Thank you,

Jakub Witkowski.

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