[OpenAFS] Re: Windows 7 Heimdal 32 bit cannot get to work

John W. Sopko Jr. sopko@cs.unc.edu
Fri, 03 Aug 2012 16:16:28 -0400

I can use C:\Program Files\Heimdal\bin\kinit to get a k5 ticket and
C:\Program Files\OpenAFS\Client\Program\aklog to get an afs token and
access afs space. So my config is working, NetID manager is still not working.

John W. Sopko Jr. wrote, On 8/3/2012 1:53 PM:
> Was using mit kfw 3.2.2 fine under Windows 7 and OpenAFS 1.7. We want to
> upgrade to Heimdal as suggested. I tried to upgrade my machine which was
> running kfw 3.2.2. I removed openafs and mit kfw, rebooted. Then installed
> heimdal-1386-1-5-100-930 from secure-endpoints and netidmgr-i386-2.0 and
> finally openafs 1.7.1600 and rebooted. I can access \\afs\our.cell but cannot
> get tickets or tokens. Netid manager does not show the krb5 and afs plugins
> under Options->plugins, only the KeyStoreCred and KeyStoreIdent plugins. Netid
> manager obtain new credentials just shows a blank box.
> I think I have a good C:\ProgramData\Kerberos\krb5.conf file.
> Rebooted several times, unistalled everything and tried again. Don't know what
> to check next. Thanks for any help.

John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Fred Brooks Building; Room 140
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175