[OpenAFS] Development status of mod_waklog and filedrawers

Troy Benjegerdes hozer@hozed.org
Mon, 4 Feb 2013 08:41:56 -0600

Has anyone looked at elfinder ( http://elfinder.org ) and thought about AFS
integration? I've always thought the filedrawers concept was great, but the
code was (quite) a bit of a pain to actually get running.

On Mon, Feb 04, 2013 at 01:01:19PM +0000, Joseph Timothy Foley wrote:
> I would like to know more about this as well.  I tried to get mod_waklog working on an Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit system but was unsuccessful.  It compiled but did not get loaded correctly into the Apache 2 I was using.  I asked a friend to was trying to use it at MIT, but they gave up and used IP-based ACLS.
> Where did you find a guide indicating which patches?
> Thanks,
> Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: openafs-info-admin@openafs.org [mailto:openafs-info-admin@openafs.org] On Behalf Of Staffan H?m?l?
> Sent: 30. jan?ar 2013 20:35
> To: openafs-info@openafs.org
> Subject: [OpenAFS] Development status of mod_waklog and filedrawers
> What is the current status of the mod_waklog and filedrawers projects? I saw a thread about mod_waklog a few months ago, but what about filedrawers?
> I've managed to compile mod_waklog on Redhat RHEL6 64-bit after applying five patches (by Aaron Knister and Stephen Quinney). It now works on Apache 2.2 (haven't tried 2.4 yet).
> Filedrawers seems to need some tweaking as well. I've found a few things that needs to be changed for it to work with PHP 5.4. It also seems to have problems with the current version of Smarty (version 3.1.13). I'm working through the things that need to be changed at the moment.
> It seems both mod_waklog and filedrawers haven't been updated for several years. Does anyone maintain them?
> /Staffan
> --
> Staffan H?m?l?
> Lule? University of Technology
> Sweden
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Troy Benjegerdes                'da hozer'                 hozer@hozed.org

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