[AFS3-std] Second Draft of Standardisation Document: Registrars

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Fri, 29 Aug 2008 15:26:32 -0400

--On Friday, August 29, 2008 03:18:02 PM -0400 Steven Jenkins 
<steven.jenkins@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Simon Wilkinson <simon@sxw.org.uk> wrote:
>> Attached is a second draft of my AFS standardisation proposal. I believe
>> I've updated it to reflect all of the discussions to date.
>> Comments, including expressions of support, highly welcome!
> While the document is looking good, David's questions raise a concern.
>  The language around selecting the registrars says nothing about their
> terms ending or the number of registrars overall.  While the
> registrars have very little power individually (i.e., the day-to-day
> is handing out protocol numbers, with the only real power being the
> ability to help break a tie with the other registrars), there should
> be appointment terms and recall procedures for the registrar roles as
> well.

Why, particularly with the rules you've described?  If the registrars are 
self-selecting, then I don't think we need to specify that they do so at 
specific times.  It's also not clear to me that the group needs the power 
to recall individual registrars, given that it doesn't have the power to 
appoint them.

Note that the registrar is not a leadership role; it's a clerical one.  The 
corresponding role in the IETF (IANA) is performed by employees of ICANN, 
who keep their jobs until they resign or are terminated, just like any 
other employee.

-- Jeff