[AFS3-std] Re: Consensus Call - AFS3-Standardization Charter
Love Hörnquist Åstrand
Fri, 09 Jul 2010 15:32:38 -0000
I was fine with Simons proposal last time around and still find it ok.
7 jul 2010 kl. 16:08 skrev Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz@cmu.edu>:
> This has gotten fairly lengthy, but please read through to the end. This =
> message contains important information on the future of AFS protocol
> standardization work, and a specific request for input from the AFS
> community (that is, YOUR input) within the next 2 weeks.
> PLEASE send followups to afs3-standardization@openafs.org
> Back in January of 2006, the afs3-standardization@openafs.org mailing list=
> was created in order to provide a forum for discussion of the AFS protocol=
> and particularly to coordinate extensions and changes to those protocols =
> among the various implementations. The first discussions in that vein
> started the following month, with Jeffrey Altman's proposal to define new =
> GetCapabilities RPC's for each of the various RPC services. Since then, =
> there have been discussions on a wide variety of proposed extensions, some=
> small and some much larger in scope. Overall, I consider the mailing list=
> to have been and continue to be a success.
> Two years ago, at the AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Workshop at NJIT in =
> Newark, NJ, there was some discussion about the prospect of establishing a=
> more formal charter and process for the standardization group, and
> especially of insuring its independence from any one implementation. Afte=
> the workshop, Simon Wilkinson took a stab at writing such a charter, and =
> sent his proposal to the afs3-standardization mailing list (see Simon's =
> message to that list, dated 15-Jul-2008). This prompted quite a lot of =
> discussion and two additional drafts over following couple of months. Afte=
> the third draft, there was exactly one additional comment, and there has =
> been no further discussion since.
> It is my personal belief that there was general agreement within the
> community to move forward with Simon's draft as an initial charter for the=
> standardization group. However, there has been little progress in the las=
> 21 months. Much of this is my fault -- I kept saying I was going to do =
> something and then not getting around to it. However, while the document =
> hasn't been discussed much in the interim, my conversations during that =
> time with various individuals, in person and online, lead me to believe =
> that there is _still_ general agreement to proceed with Simon's draft.
> So, here's what I'm going to do about it...
> Simon's document calls for a bootstrapping process in which a registrar =
> group is form of the then-current registrar (myself) plus one
> representative from each current implementation (IBM, OpenAFS, kAFS, Arla)=
> that cares to provide one. The registrars would then serve as vote-takers=
> in an initial election of two chairs as described in section 2.2.2 of the =
> draft.
> The initial bootstrapping of the registrars has already mostly taken place=
> Thomas Kula has agreed to serve as a registrar representing OpenAFS, and =
> has held that position officially since the 2009 workshop. Around that =
> time, I asked IBM, kAFS, and Arla to nominate registrars, but I have yet t=
> receive a response that resulted in an actual volunteer. If any of those =
> organizations wants to nominate someone, please contact me. Otherwise, =
> Thomas and I have already agreed that we will nonetheless increase the siz=
> of the registrar group to at least three and seek out a volunteer to fill =
> the vacant position. It is my hope that we can accomplish that by the end=
> of the month.
> The next step would seem to be the bootstrapping of the chairs. However, =
> we have a recursive-dependency problem here -- before we can use the
> election process defined in Simon's document with any confidence, we must =
> be sure we have consensus among the community to use that document.
> However, lacking a chair, there is no formal means of determining consensu=
> Chicken, meet Egg.
> Simon's document itself proposes part of the solution to this problem, in =
> the form of the last paragraph of section 3, which calls on the
> newly-formed group to develop, adopt, and publish its own charter. To
> complete the solution, the registrars note that the first step (indeed, th=
> first several steps) in electing new chairs rest on our hands. Thus, we =
> are taking the following actions:
> (1) I have asked Simon to submit the latest version of his proposed charte=
> in the form of an Internet-Draft. That draft is now available at
> <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wilkinson-afs3-standardisation-00>
> (2) On behalf of the registrars, I am issuing this consensus call. This
> is an attempt to elicit comments and to discover whether there is
> rough consensus in the AFS community to begin formalizing the protocol
> standards process as described in the draft named above. I am asking
> everyone to review the proposed charter and send any comments to the
> mailing list, afs3-standardization@openafs.org, within the next 2
> weeks.
> (3) On or shortly after Wednesday, July 21, 2010, the registrars will
> examine the comments received and make a determination as to whether
> we believe such a consensus exists. Depending on the state affairs,
> we may choose to wait a while longer for discussion to die down before
> making a determination. In other words, this is not a hard deadline;
> it is only the earliest date on which we will make any decision.
> If at this point the registrars believe that there is not a rough consensu=
> to adopt Simon's draft charter and that no such consensus is forthcoming, =
> we will simply stop. Things will continue as they are today, with no
> formal process, unless or until someone tries again.
> However, if the registrars believe that a rough consensus _does_ exist, we=
> will more or less immediately begin the election process as described in =
> section 2.2.2, with the full set of registrars (at least Thomas and myself=
> and preferably at least one other) serving as vote-takers. Our goal will =
> be to follow the timeline set out in that document. However, this is
> incumbent on the community reaching a consensus in time to start the
> election process no later than early August. If a consensus emerges, but =
> more slowly, then we will adjust the timeline accordingly.
> Here's the important bit again:
> Please take the time to review draft-wilkinson-afs3-standardization-00.txt=
> Send your questions and comments to <afs3-standardization@openafs.org>.
> Please comment even if it's just to say "I support this" or "I oppose this=
> Please send your comments in by Wednesday, July 21, 2010.
> -- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <jhutz+@cmu.edu>
> for the AFS Assigned Numbers Registrars
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