[AFS3-std] Re: Suggestion for changing the voting process after
Andrew Deason
Tue, 19 Oct 2010 23:36:35 -0500
On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 21:03:06 -0400
Jason Edgecombe <jason@rampaginggeek.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm fine with waiting on the voting to be resolved. To make things
> smoother in the coming years, would it be wise to change the voting
> procedure to only require two of the three vote takers to decide the
> outcome?
Assuming I'm remembering the charter doc correctly, the vote takers in
future elections are the existing chairs (unless one of them is running
for election). The process is different this time because we don't have
any existing chairs yet.
So in the future, we'll most likely only have one or two vote-takers.
Andrew Deason